Contacts & Resources

Discount Window & Payment System Risk Contact Information for Richmond

General Inquiries

Discount Window Office Hours
8:30 am - 7:00 pm ET (or until the close of Fedwire)

Discount Rates:

Discount Window Email:

(800) 526-2036

Toll Free Phone

Paycheck Protection Program Liquidity Facility (PPPLF)
Contact Information

The following contact information is to be used when submitting PPPLF related documents.

PPPLF Phone:

(855) 833-2465

Resources and Information

Discount Window Lending Agreements

Instructions for Completing OC-10 Discount Window Agreements
Instructions to assist in completing Operating Circular 10 documents. 

OC-10 Discount Window Agreements
The collection of documents required to establish and maintain access to the Discount Window.  

Collateral Information

BIC Establishment Guidelines
Reference for institutions setting up a new BIC arrangement with the Fifth District. 

BIC Electronic Loan Collateral Guidelines
Guidelines for institutions pledging electronic collateral to the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond.

BIC Collateral Certification
BIC program participants are required to complete the BIC Audit Certification prior to enrollment in the BIC program, and on an annual basis thereafter. 

Collateral Schedule Template
This template should be used as a guide in developing the pledge listing to be submitted to the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond on a monthly basis. 

Seasonal Credit Information

Seasonal Application Form
This application is used to determine your institution's eligibility for the Seasonal Lending Program (SLP).

Seasonal Data Collection Form
The loans and deposit data you submit will be used as the basis for determining your institution's projected seasonal borrowing qualification. 


Mailing Address:
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Credit Risk Management
13th Floor
P.O. Box 27622
Richmond, VA 23261